Wheat parotta


For Dough:
Wheat - ½ kg / 500 grams
Warm milk-300 ml
Oil - 2 tblspn + more for frying paratha
Sugar-1 tblspn
Salt to taste

For Making Paste:
Oil - 1/2 cup
Wheat - 1/2 cup


Mix every ingredients in a mixing Bowl and form a dough,cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest for about 4 hours.

In a bowl add around ½ cup of wheat and pour in some oil and make it into a smooth paste and set aside.

Divide the Dough in to equal portions.

Take a dough ball and spread it into a thin chappati,Add in a tblspn of wheat  oil over the chappati and spread it evenly.Now with a sharp knife cut strips on the chappati,pull all the strips together and curl it into a round,Apply some oil on the dough ball and set aside on a oiled plate.Make every dough ball the same way.After that cover the plate with some damp cloth and set it aside for about 1 hour.

After 1 hour take the dough and make it to a slightly thicker Parata.

Heat a tawa on high heat and place the parata over the pan and cook the parata on both sides by applying oil till it is golden brown.

Make some 5 parata the same way,then stack them together and crush them with your both hands vigorously till the flakes separates.

Put them in a Hot case and repeat the process until everything is done.


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