Egg Biriyani Ingrediants: Boild egg-5 Basmathi rice-2c Onion-2 Ginger/garlic paste-1tbsp Green chilly-8 Yogurt-1/2c Cashew nut n raisins Biryani masala-4tbsp Cardamom-5 Cinnamon-small piece Cloves-5 Bay leaf-smal piece Water-3c Preparation: Wash te rice n soak it for 30mnts. Heat oil and add all the spices,onion,chilly and ginger garlic paste.Saute till onion turns golden brown.Add cashew nut and raisins.Saute for a while.Add briyani masala.cook few minutes and add yogurt.Add watr and let it boil.Now add rice and cook on a medium flame till rice is done. Marrinate the egg with some ginger garlic paste,chilli powdr, turmeric and corriandr powder and fry it .Mix it with the rice and serve.